Monday, January 28, 2008


Macro photography
refers to close-up photography; the classical definition that the image projected on the "film plane" (i.e film or a digital sensor) is the same size as the subject.

I'm using only a Standard macro lens : Sigma 70-300mm APO DG MACRO w/o any close-up filter or extension tube.

Hope you enjoy some of my collections:

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thai Poosam Kavady

Thai Poosam Kavady Festival - Singapore 2008

Thai Poosam Kavady is a Hindu religious festival dedicated to Hindu deity Lord Murugan that is celebrated by Tamil people in South Africa not in India originated.

Kavady translates in Tamil language as a pole slung across the shoulder to evenly distribute the weight of whatever is being carried, usually in bundles on either ends of the pole. The carrying of kavady symbolizes the carrying of one’s burden and then resting it at the feet of the Lord.

Thai Poosam Kavady falls on the full moon day in the Tamil month Thai (January). The ten-day festival starts with hoisting of the flag. Daily rituals, abolitions and singing devotional hymns are held in honour of Lord Murugan. On the main day of the Kavady festival, devotees carry the Kavady from a distance away from the temple, preferable from a river, back to the temple. It is believed that the more effort and hardship applied when carrying the Kavady, the more benevolent Lord Murugan will be towards fulfilling his devotee’s needs. Devotees usually carry milk and honey on either end of their Kavadies. After entering the temple grounds the devotees carry their Kavadies three times around the temple. When they are inside the temple, the milk and honey are poured over the statue of Lord Murugan. The festival concludes with the de-hoisting of the flag.

From : From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Foot Prints in the sand

Nirwana Beach Resort - Bintan Beach resort

I choose this caption for my "Title" because it is common to everybody.. You can see or heard this kind of subject title everywhere in a postcard, a gospel from the bible , greeting cards, quote's, music and etc......

This is my few first shot I've done last 2006 using a LUMIX FZ-50, newbie that time so no time to think about composition, proper settings, or ask myself did I take the shot very nice or good ? No Photoshop at all too :). Hmmmm, I forgot I still consider myself a newbie until this moment....

Why footprints in the sand? Hmmmm... from the gospel itself - Walking with the lord while you are dreaming. Unfortunately I still not experienced this in my dreams walking in the beach with the Lord but looking forward to have one someday very sooooon..

For me this image interpret our challenges in life, if you have two set footprints in the sand it means you are having good challenges and you are doing very well, but if one foot only then it will be your difficult times to achieve something. I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life there has only been one set of footprints in the sand, how about you ?

Everyone have their own footprints in the sand, this is you who make your own path on every step you take. The footprints will be there to represent your goals if it vanished then you failed to achieve something on your journey through life in Earth. What will be your footprint in the sand will be ??


“The years when you have seen only one set of footprints, my child, is when I carried you.” - GOD

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I Don’t Know Where My Journey Ends

Everybody have the same question in their minds as I'm thinking right now, how I will conquer my last journey in this life I have now ?? . Honestly I don't know how it will end, did you ?

I wish that after every journey we are taking part; Career, Decision, Love life, Family life, & your own life will be a memorable one, be optimistic or even hope it will be a good one.

This "questions" cross my mind for 2 weeks now and still cannot answer it, it's complicated but I know God will be there to guide me.....

But at the end of the day it is still "you" who will make your journey how to end, it could be better or worst.

As for me, and maybe for the rest of us, we have our own mountain to conquer. I don’t know where my journey ends. I just hope and pray I can make it to the top and die happy.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Abstract & Still Life Photography

"Steel Bar"

These are one of the most challenging photography to master because you need to master both creativity and lightning, especially how to use lights to make your subject very interestingt. Well I'm planning to attend a Still-Life session with PSS (Photography Society of Singapore) very soon....

These are some of Abstract(Steel Bar) and Still-Life interpretation, hope you like it

1. Bread of Life

Photo taken at Le Meridian Hotel

Note: Semi-finalist portfolio on "OPEN Category" in International Open Amateur Photography Contest, 2007" Sadly I didn't win because they required me to go to U.S.A. for me to represent my entry.

My picture is included on the book named " Endless Journeys"


2. Vodka @ Office

Photo taken at +Hp office

I used a basic light that is available inside the office, well you might think how I done this without anyone seeing me.. That is a secret that I will not share hehehehe....

3. Candle Light's

Photo taken inside my room

Guess what! I have done it inside my room, because I'm addict about my passion so while it is raining very heavy here in Singapore cannot go out with my photography friends so I decided to make my day useful and it is worth it afterall.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Another Day of My Life had Passed By........

The Day of My Life

How you can resist the colorful sunset of our mother earth ? Well for me being here again in this place was another memorable to me because I'm very much inspired to captured a sunset landscapes nowadays.....

That is why all of us must care and love GAIA to preserve these wonderful characteristics of our mother EARTH.


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Countdown to 2008

Marina Bay, Singapore
Year 2007 had been good to me; I met a lot of new friends, found a new job at British Telekom after three years of working with +Hp, having my own business in the Philippines and giving me good opportunity in everything I want to do especially in the field of photography. This year I won the second place for the PVi Photographer of the year 2007 which is not bad for a newbie like me, I hope I can do it better this year (2008) and win a lot of photo contest so I can earn some exposure to the public and "be the man" (I Wish, hehehehe).

As a photographer many of us is very keen to have a nice and wonderful capture of any fireworks diplay. Fireworks displays are certainly stunning and colorful. Capturing those moments with a camera is a challenge. Because it is done during end of the year at midnight so many steps you need to consider likes :

1. Scouting the area for a great place to shoot where the fireworks pontoon will be placed and fired before the actual event.
2. Getting early as possible on the day of the event, because not only you will be watching or capturing the fireworks display.
3. Preparing your necessary gears like Tripod, Remote cable, extra battery, flashlight, raincoat for you & and to your camera, Food & drinks, and lastly make sure you have a lot of memory cards because staying early on the area will be boring while waiting so many of you will be shooting anything that comes to your mind, am I correct ?
4. Stay focused - You need to set your lens to infinity then put it manual mode, autofocus will not be effective at night during fireworks display.
5. Timing - Exposure or shutter speed is something you need to pay attention when shooting fireworks.
6. Take lots of pictures, be creative, and have fun!

I hope that year "2008" will be still good to me and make my life simple and fruitful.

I wish all of us have a peaceful year and make mother earth as happy it should be. :)


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

My PinoyGrapher's Group

It is February of year 2007 that I met this enthusiastic photography group called "PinoyGraphers@SG" but the original name was "Photobongbong" before which is similar to the filipino appetizer - putobongbong. If I didn't join this group maybe I will have my own group by now but i'm still newbie so creating my own group will be much difficult so i decided to join and fortunately my decision is positive. I thank all of them of being good to me, helping/supporting me to improve my skills, ideas, and public relation to other people's. Before I'm shy to show my pictures but now I'm proud to show it to everybody because of these good people of this group!. Currently our group is involved in many events that the Philippine Embassy and Filipino Association Group (FAS) is doing here in Singapore. I love this group, proud to be with them!

Freelance Photographer

Hi all,

I would like to share with you my latest "calling card" . This is my first time to have my own card for my "sideline" to earn extra income. Photography have given me some opportunity to earn even not so big but still it will help me to finance my needs especially for buying extra gears for myself. It is worth being a freelance photographer after all.

My services are :

1. Event/Occasion - Wedding, Pre Nup, Anniversary, Concert, and etc..
2. Fashion/Glamor/Portrait - Baby, Couple, Group, Family, Model's and etc..
3. Landscapes/Cityscapes - with or without : HDR, IR, Orton effect
4. Photojournalism
5. Stilllife - Food, Commercial, and Advertising